Change WordPress Admin Dashboard Footer Text
The WordPress admin footer is located at the bottom of every page in your dashboard. It includes a copyright notice and links to and the WordPress Codex, as well as the current version of WordPress you are running. The text is hard-coded into the core software, so unless you want to modify that software directly, there is not a way to edit the WordPress admin footer text.
That said, there is a way to change what shows on this part of your dashboard. In this article, I’ll show you how to change the WordPress admin panel footer text without plugin. You do not need to add a new plugin just for this simple customization.
The WordPress admin dashboard footer default text is Thank you for creating with WordPress. You can modify this text easily. In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to change the footer text in the WordPress admin dashboard through functions.php or a code snippet plugin (optional)
Our recommendations before editing functions.php
Take a full backup of your website or blog.
Be careful before editing the functions.php file. If you don’t want to edit functions.php directly, use the code snippet plugin.
We recommend you use a child theme before any customization on your website. You can use a plugin to create child theme.
Also check:
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Steps to change WordPress admin footer text or credit
1). Login to wordpress admin Dashboard. Go to ‘Appearance’ then ‘Theme File Editor’. Select currently active theme (If already not selected).
2). Click on ‘Theme Functions’. It is basically the functions.php file of your wordpress website.
3). Add the below code to ‘Theme Functions or functions.php
// Change wordpress Admin Footer Text
function wpamit_change_admin_footer_text () {
echo 'Created by <a href="">wpamit</a>. Powered by <a href="">Webteja Technologies</a>';
add_filter('admin_footer_text', 'wpamit_change_admin_footer_text');
Changes in snippet before saving it: I have highlight the text area which you need to change according to your requirements. Like, Created by <a href=”“>Your Domain</a>. Powered by <a href=”“>Your website name</a>
It should be look like below image.
That’s it. You have successfully changed or modified WordPress admin footer text without any plugin. If you have any query or need any help, please comment below.